Insert Videos and Channels into a WP Post

Important: Only your published content (videos and channels) will be displayed when it is added in the WordPress post or page. Make sure your content is attached to a category and then check the category ID on the website as detailed below.

In order to add TikiLIVE Channels or Videos to a post or a page for your web blog, you need to click on the specific icon from the WordPress writing tool-bar:


When inserting a TikiLIVE Channel or Video, you will be asked to insert the channel or video category ID.


To view the channel category ID, you need to go to and click on the Channels page to view the categories:

1. This is where you see the channel category ID.

2. Click here to open the channel category drop-down menu.

3. Select the desired category from the drop-down menu.


To view this video category ID, you need to go to and click on the the Videos page to view the categories:

1. This is where you see the videos category ID.

2. Click here to open the video category drop-down menu.

3. Select the desired category from the drop-down menu.