Corporate employeeIf you are looking at ways of handling your school’s professional training sessions, you have several options. You can obviously require that everyone come to a certain location or you could look into live streaming options, which could offer many benefits for your school. Take a look at how streaming your training sessions can be advantageous compared to requiring everyone to travel to one location.

Access from Anywhere

One of the primary benefits of streaming your training sessions is that your participants can be anywhere. This offers you the flexibility of only having to deliver the training material once and distribute it to as many participants as necessary. Your participants will appreciate being able to access your training sessions from their homes or offices as opposed to having to travel to your location.

Catalog Training Sessions for Future Reference

The problem with many training sessions is that the instructors fly through the material and at the end of the session many people may still need a refresher on the majority of the material that was covered. By streaming training sessions, you can record your sessions automatically to be viewed later. This allows those who were not able to attend or want a refresher to be able to easily access the training material again and again. Imagine being able to sit a new hire down with all of your cataloged training material as opposed to “learning on the job.”

Reduces Costs

As education budgets continue to shrink year after year, schools have had to look at creative ways to cut costs. Online training sessions are a great way to reduce costs related to travel, lodging, and meals. These costs can be extremely taxing for schools around the country and with streamed training you can completely eliminate these costs all together. Simply stream your training sessions from a central location and all of your participants around the country or even the world can watch with ease.

Easier To Standardize Training

If your school does not have a standardized training program, new hires may learn different things based on the informal training that they receive. This can lead to issues with enforcing school policies because everyone is not trained in the same manner. By broadcasting all of your training sessions and making them available to all new hires, you instantly create a training program that is easy to follow and is consistent across the board. Should you run into issues with any of your personnel you can easily reference the training material as evidence of your school’s policies. This can help to eliminate problems that arise without standardized training.

Device Independent

Another benefit of streaming your training content online is that not only can your participants access your content from any location, they can also access it from any device. This means that even if they do not have access to a computer, they can view the sessions on a tablet or smartphone. This will give your participants no excuse when it comes to attending the school’s training sessions. Most streaming providers offer the ability to access content across all types of devices.

No Constraints on Number of Participants

When you are planning in-person training sessions, you typically have a maximum number of participants based on your location constraints. By streaming your training sessions, these constraints are eliminated. Video streaming allows you to provide training to as many participants as possible. No longer do the costs increase astronomically as your participant list grows. Streaming offers you an extremely cost effective way to provide training to an unlimited number of people who are interested in your material.

Retain Employees

Studies have shown that training helps to increase loyalty and creates a better relationship between the employer and employee. By investing in your employees, you can help them to gain new skills, which in turn will make them appreciate the opportunities that they have received from you as an employer. Too often we think that investing in training will result in employees leaving for “better opportunities,” but studies show that this is not the case. In a University of Rhode Island study, Scott Brum found that “Job search, retention, employee’s desire and intent to leave, and attitude toward the organization can all be improved with a strategy that seeks to enhance employee commitment.”

Ready to Broadcast Your Training Sessions? Choose TikiLIVE!

Training your employees is extremely important, but if not done efficiently it can be quite expensive. Investing in a streaming provider can allow you to cut your costs and actually increase the effectiveness of your training. TikiLIVE offers a full suite of products and services that allow you to provide content to your participants.

  • Stream from Any Device – TikiLIVE offers full HTML5 compatibility that allows you to record video from any smartphone or tablet. This gives you a huge advantage when you need to record training sessions in unconventional locations.
  • Robust Content Delivery Network – Regardless of where your users are located, TikiLIVE has invested in a top-notch content delivery network, which is meant to minimize lagging and connectivity issues that have become a common problem with other streaming platforms. TikiLIVE understands the need to provide top-notch service to our customers and we are constantly working to ensure that your content is always available.
  • Available Customer Service – TikiLIVE also understands that getting started with live streaming may take a bit of time, which is why we’re always here to help. This way you do not have to be stuck waiting for a response to an issue that could really be giving you problems. We are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers and feel that this is one of the areas that allows us to separate ourselves from our competitors.

Ready To Take The Leap? Call TikiLIVE Today!

For more information about how you can stream your next training session with TikiLIVE, give us a call today at 305-289-4557. We’ll be happy to discuss exactly how TikiLIVE can help solve some of the training dilemmas.