The Most Secure CDN Video Streaming ServiceA CDN or Content Delivery Network is a way for companies to deliver content in the most efficient way possible.  CDNs use high performance servers located around the country, and even the world, to deliver content to end users quickly and efficiently.  There are certain limitations of companies that utilize one server to deliver content, which can create a bottleneck for end users.  By utilizing multiple servers, companies are able to maintain lightning fast download speeds with a CDN.

CDNs also use location to determine which servers handle requests based on where end users are located.  This also improves the speed of requests due to the short distance between server and end user.  CDN platforms allow companies to offload traffic to data centers that are built to handle an almost unlimited amount of traffic.  Companies that focus on delivering video or other types of content would be much better served utilizing a CDN as opposed to purchasing expensive servers and leasing bandwidth from one of the various Internet Service Providers.


What is Secure CDN?


With most end users now accessing the internet at speeds faster than many could have ever imagined, it has become more important than ever to be able to deliver content as quickly as possible.  Without a CDN, web sites that are heavy in content may end up crawling as they become more popular.  There have been countless stories about web sites that were mentioned in a magazine or a popular TV show that were then brought down due to a quick jump in traffic surrounding these news reports.  Think about how much revenue and exposure these web site owners missed out on by not utilizing a CDN to manage these spikes in traffic.

As web sites gain in both traffic and popularity, they also can become targets of hackers and other underworld organizations looking to gain access to websites for a variety of different reasons.  Domestic and International hackers spend significant resources trying to take down some of the largest web sites in America and abroad.

By utilizing a Secure CDN, companies can rest easy due to the fact that a company is constantly monitoring their digital online offerings to ensure that they are doing everything possible to stay secure and fight potential online attacks. There are a variety of different features that encompass a successful secure CDN.


Features of Secure CDN


Many companies may claim to offer a secure CDN, but the reality is that few offer a comprehensive set of features which greatly reduce the ability for hackers to overtake websites.  Some features which are important when it comes to a secure CDN are listed below:

Secure HTTP – Secure HTTP, which is also sometimes referred to as HTTPS, is a way to encrypt traffic across the internet.  When you navigate to a website and see HTTPS:// in your browser you know that you are on a website that utilizes Secure HTTP.  For website owners that want to protect their video and other content, it is vitally important that all traffic is conducted with Secure HTTP.  Secure HTTP traffic can be more taxing on resources, which is even more of a reason for growing content companies to utilize a secure CDN service for their needs.

High Level of Support – If your site has come under attack from hackers it is vital to have support resources that are available at a moment’s notice.  Many companies only offer email support through a robotic ticketing system where it may take days to receive a response for your critical issue.  Finding a service such as TikiLIVE that offers support via phone, email and live chat allows you to focus on your core business model as opposed to mundane details about your online infrastructure.

Detailed Analytics – Secure CDN is not only useful after an attack, but it is also extremely beneficial to prevent cyber-attacks. With detailed analytics, you have the ability to notice trends which may point to a potential attack before it actually happens.  Hackers may attempt to initially gain access to see how easily they can access your servers before actually launching an attack.  If you can make it difficult for hackers to gain access as well as be notified when these breaches of security occur, you can significantly reduce the risk that your online content will be compromised.

DDoS Support – A DDoS or Denial of Service Attack is a hacking method used to make a server or set of servers unavailable to the outside world.  Large companies such as Yahoo and Amazon have fallen victim to DDoS attacks.  Effective and secure CDN services have mechanisms in place to prevent these types of attacks such as automated rules and procedures to recognize DDoS attacks and react immediately to mitigate disaster.

Robust Redundancy – One of the primary advantages of a CDN is redundancy.  Should a CDN server be compromised, companies are able to instantly migrate to another server with relatively no downtime.  This allows you to continue to serve your valuable customers even in the event of a cyber attack.  Secure CDN providers that do not offer redundancy should be looked at with great caution as this is likely the most important feature that a secure CDN can offer content providers.


TikiLIVE – Your Full Featured Secure CDN


When it comes to a secure CDN that offers a wide array of features for end users as well as administrators, TikiLIVE has it all and more.  With TikiLIVE from Eyepartner, your end users will experience a robust, secure CDN coupled with a full featured content platform which allows users to experience live and recorded content from any device.  Eyepartner has invested a great deal of resources into developing a mobile friendly platform which helps your content wow end users whether they are on a computer, tablet, iPhone, or iPad.

For more information about the secure CDN features of TikiLIVE, contact us with our online form or give us a call at 305.289.4557.  With TikiLIVE from Eyepartner you can deliver dynamic content to users while not having to worry about how the success of your website could mean significant downtime due to slow servers and connection speeds.  Contact us today so that we can grow with you!