With TikiLIVE, not only can you stream your own content, but now you can also offer high definition premium shows such as Comedy.TV, QVC, Nasa.TV, and many more. Not only are you able to choose from top hit movies to offer such as Edge of Tomorrow and Lucy. As one of the world’s leading providers of end-to-end media solutions, we are able to assist in providing the best HD content across a wide variety of platforms from computers, to mobile devices.
We have a full list of content available to pick from where you can even browse the channels and movies to get a glimpse of the amazing quality content available that may even become yours to offer. See it first here at www.tikilive.com/networks. Our TikiLIVE platforms deliver FCC approved content through a middleware based solution, delivering premium content in the most cost effective manner to ensure provider monetization.
In the article “LIVE Content viewing up 200%,” Rapid TV News reports live streaming is a growing industry that is constantly expanding across all platforms. “Live viewing of content is up a staggering 214% year-over-year,” explains Michelle Clancy, meaning that providers also need a reliable delivery system. TikiLIVE not only delivers strong, high definition content, but also offers support for unplanned instances. 24/7, we’re by your side to help make your system grow to its fullest potential with premium content via TikiLIVE.

What is TikiLIVE?

TikiLIVE functions as a world-wide streaming service capable of broadcasting your streams anywhere across the globe. With mobile broadcasting, Set Top Boxes, and desktop streaming, there are multiple ways to get content to your viewers no matter where they are. Cloud based video encoding ensures that your content is always in the right format and accessible anytime on the Internet.
For more information, you may visit our site here, fill out an online Contact Us form, or call our office to speak to a representative at 305.289.4557.