Live Streaming Software.Streaming live high quality digital video has never been easier than today. Amazing technological progress has been made in regards to recording equipment as well as personal computers. These increases in computing and videography power have helped to drive consumer costs down. Between these changes as well as the relative commonality of high-speed broadband connectivity, there’s no limit to what you can record and share with your internet audience, be it a business or a hobby. Live streaming allows you to communicate to a broad variety of viewers through their personal computers, mobile devices, and set top boxes like Roku. TikiLIVE can tailor a live streaming software solution to increase your audience, create new revenue streams, and grow your hobby or business.

Digital Video Formatting

With the advent of new smartphones, video cameras, and playback applications, there are a number of video formats that can be used. These formats break down to two basic components: container and codecs. A container is generally a file extension such as AVI, MP4, FLV, MKV, etc. This determines what application you would choose to play the video file on. The codec is embedded within the digital code of the video and includes instructions on how the video and audio plays on a certain application.These two variables can eliminate viewing your file in commonly used applications. TikiLIVE has invested years of knowledge to encode the digital content you load onto our site so that it can be viewed on any application just about anywhere. You can stop worrying about how your videos are formatted when recording them. Let us ensure that your viewers will have no problem seeing your streaming video.

TikiLIVE in the Business World

Live streaming video is an invaluable asset to your organization. Through the listed examples below, you can see that communicating with your customers, business networks, and employees; you’ll be able to transform your business from a Mom & Pop startup to a powerhouse with unlimited potential. Having a content host and provider with a secure and complete infrastructure will help to meet your customers viewing preferences. TikiLIVE is the streaming software solution for your business.

One Message – Many Customers

By creating streaming video content, you will be able to avoid expensive duplication of effort. One well-produced video will do the work that used to take a knowledgeable staff months to accomplish. Gone are the days where you have to pay a field staff to go to all your clients to inform them of a new product. You will save on personnel as well as travel and lodging costs that you would have to pay for without a robust solution such as TikiLIVE.Should you have to issue any corrections or modifications to your initial product rollout, TikiLIVE will enable you to handle that with minimum effort and cost.Additionally, you will want to use your growing number of informative product videos to land bigger and bigger clients. Having a TikiLIVE streaming video solution will demonstrate your track record to potential customers. You can also take preexisting video content and tailor it to pitch your services to a specific client. Having a virtual video library of your success shows you mean business and are here to stay.

The Virtual Classroom

Onboarding new employees to your organization will take time and expense. You will have to inform them of their benefits, your human resource possibilities, and specific initial position based training. Instead of sending a dedicated staff of people to educate your new employees one on one, TikiLIVE can help you stream your prepackaged video content that can educate your employees and inform them of basic practices at your firm. It will not matter if you have multiple employee sites because they will be accessing your video solution located on TikiLIVE servers. We have a robust and stable infrastructure to meet the demand of many simultaneous viewers.As your company grows, you will want to keep your employees informed of changes in training and also share good news. Studies have shown that more communication with employees is good for company morale. A happy confident staff can take your business places. Use TikiLIVE to foster community with your employees and your customers.

Knowledge is Power…and Profit

As your company grows, you will become more knowledgeable in business practices and a subject matter expert. Think of all the times you wished someone would mentor you to point out an easier path to success. Now that you have gotten somewhere, start hosting webinars sharing a few tips that have helped your business succeed and thrive. You can live stream live events that you can sell tickets to viewers. The appeal of virtual informative events for business professionals is that they can learn from the comfort of their own home. By cutting down on travel, your audience can justify training to their employers. This translates into a growing audience. As a subject matter expert, you will be able to share the knowledge of your specific field. The more webinars and live events you stream through TikiLIVE, the more of an audience you will have. Virtual training is a growing side business that can help you as you build your reputation in your industry.

TikiLIVE – The Answer to Your Live Streaming Video Needs

You have spent a lot of time, money, and effort to start your business. TikiLIVE is here to help you define and share your goals and vision with your audience. Let us work with you to provide a way to put your best foot forward. We can help create a live streaming video package for you that best meets your needs. With our in depth knowledge and expertise, our engineers can design a hosting and delivery infrastructure that will be both cost efficient and cutting edge. Not only do we pride ourselves in our ability to outshine the competition technologically, but we also believe we are #1 in customer service. Our representatives are not here to take your money and then not return your requests for help. Here at TikiLIVE, we believe in building a relationship with our customers that is based on trust and respect. We want to be in business with you for the long haul. Won’t you give us a call at(305) 289-4557? We want to help you become a success!