How Live Streaming Can Let Distant Family Attend Important EventsYou have an important event coming up, and you’re excited! After months of planning and hard work, everything is finally ready. Except for one last thing…

You’ve heard from several distant family members that they’d really like to attend – but they just can’t make it. One is recovering at home from knee surgery; another is stationed overseas; and the eldest is too frail to travel.

Don’t worry. With TikiLIVE, they can all still be there.

Live Stream the Important Big Events…

You want all of your family to be there for the big events, but if they can’t travel and attend in person, you can still invite them to attend remotely. They can witness the proceedings live, no matter where they are.

  • Weddings – At many weddings, the photographer is hired to document the festivities takes pictures during the ceremony. Many wedding photographers shoot video, too. Don’t wait until after the wedding is over to send that video to relatives – use TikiLIVE to live stream the wedding and let distant family members experience everything as it happens.
  • Graduations – Years of hard work are finally coming to a happy finish! Your distant family would like to see the graduate march across the stage and receive that hard-earned diploma. Now they can – with TikiLIVE, it’s easy for you to live stream the commencement exercises and let those who can’t be there share in the happy day.
  • Golden Wedding Anniversaries – 50 years together! Time to celebrate. Many 50th wedding anniversaries include a dinner, followed by speakers reminiscing about the married couple. You can broadcast the event to distant family members by using TikiLIVE to live stream all the happy moments shared by the speakers.

…and the Important Small Events, Too

It’s so easy to broadcast live streaming video with TikiLIVE, that once you get started, you’ll want to invite distant family members to watch the smaller events, too.

  • Class plays – Parents often set up video cameras to record their children acting in school plays or musicals. Now, you can live stream those plays, using equipment you already have on hand such as a video camera or even a mobile phone.
  • Music recitals – Let your family members see and hear the progress your child is making on their musical instrument. Broadcast their performance live!
  • Sporting events – Whether it’s a basketball playoff game, a cheerleading competition, Mom’s softball game or Junior’s swim meet, you can broadcast it using TikiLIVE. Invite your family members to witness the drama and action as it unfolds, even though they are far away.

Award Ceremonies, business presentations, game tournaments – you can live stream all of these, in real time, using TikiLIVE. Why wait until you get home to send the video? Broadcast it live, as it is happening. Let your distant family share in the excitement of the moment.

You Already Have the Equipment You Need

It may seem daunting to take on the task of streaming live video. “But I don’t have television network equipment!” you might say. “I’m not a TV producer!”

Don’t worry At TikiLIVE, we make it easy. All of the expensive hardware and sophisticated equipment is at our end of the network, working behind the scenes to encode your video and transmit it over our advanced content delivery network.

You don’t need any special equipment – just a computer and a camera. You can even use your webcam or smartphone as the camera.

Start by downloading the free software from TikiLIVE, connect the camera to your computer, and configure your channel. The software is intuitive and easy to use. In no time at all, you’ll be up and running.

You can also live stream video from your smart phone or tablet, using TikiLIVE’s application for mobile broadcasting. Download the app, configure your channel, and you’ll be broadcasting on the go from wherever you are.

You Can Do Even MORE with TikiLIVE

When you see how easy it is, you may want to add more of TikiLIVE’s powerful features to your broadcast.

Live Chat Rooms – Distant family members might be scattered all over the country or the world, but they don’t have to be separated from each others they watch your live broadcast. With TikiLIVE, you can set up a Live Chat Room as part of the broadcast. Your relatives can use the live chat feature to interact with each other while they watch your event.

  • Integration with Facebook – Chances are many of your distant family will be on Facebook. With TikiLIVE’s software, a window can be configured on their Facebook page, and they can watch the live broadcast from within Facebook.
  • Broadcast to Mobile Devices – When you choose TikiLIVE, you are not limited to streaming to desktop computers. Through a simple process, you can direct TikiLIVE’s sophisticated encoders to configure your video for mobile devices, too, using HTML5. (Sounds complicated? It’s not. You check off a few boxes and we do all the hard work for you!) Your live streaming video will then be broadcast to smart phones and tablets, and can be viewed by your relatives even while they’re on the move.
  • Live Stream to Televisions, Too – If your family would prefer to watch your live broadcast on their television, instead of a computer or smart phone, they can. Because TikiLIVE includes Internet Protocol Television(IPTV) software, your broadcast can also be sent to a television set top box, such as a Roku device.

So go ahead, get started today. Download the TikiLIVE software, and see how easy it is to create your family’s unique TV channel. Broadcast that important event live without delay. Keep distant family involved and connected to each other. And for the next event, and the one after that… TikiLIVE will be there to help.

Contact TikiLIVE Today for More Information

To learn more about how you can live stream important events, and have family members attend from anywhere in the world, call our customer service representatives at (305) 289-4557, or start an online chat. The videos on our website explain how to get started, and give details about many of the important features of TikiLIVE.

We look forward to helping you bring your distant family closer together and sharing the important events in your life!