Calculate your server needs
Maximum Simultaneous Viewers
Number of Live Channels
CDN Enabled
Fault Tolerant Origins Needed?
Transcoding Services (optional)
Transcode Movies
Radio Module
Expected Loads Notes
- 2000 Page Views per second per Web Server
- 300 Simultaneous Live Streams per active Origin Streaming Server
- 1800 viewers per Edge Server
Optional Monster Encoder Services
- A) 200 encodes / month
- B) 1000 encodes / month
Network Info
- All Page View Loads are based on a 70KB page
- All Streaming Loads are based on SD Content (500 kbs)
- Live Streams = Broadcast + Scheduled Playlists
Estimated Total
Set Up Fee (one time)
Please note that all figures are an indication only. The figures are not a formal quotation nor a contractual offer.


You are responsible for purchasing a wowza license here.
Output Stream is RTMP only 
Output is Streamed thru CDN