On a standard reef fishing trip we were so fortunate to have a large cobia roll up right behind the boat when we were snapper fishing. No customer ever ask why I have so many rods rigged and maybe we use 3 out of a dozen rods I bring. Tons of planning goes into each and every trip. I am ready for everything we may encounter and have a plan A, B and C. Most of my people have no idea what is going on or what we are catching. That's the customer preparation part that is outside of my control. My part is the rods are rigged and the bait is caught for the trip and it looks a little like this...Knowing this from that means after catching 40 keeper snapper, you don't put the fish of the day into the props and chum bag like it is the first fish you have ever caught and it goes a little smoother than this. This is reality. I would be super happy if 4 basic principles of basic angling weren't violated in this sequence, because you're either holding a rod with something attached to it or you're angling and using learned skills through instruction to make a better outcome for yourself. Sometimes luck trumps all things that should have not worked out for every reason. My second name for this video would be "lucky beyond lucky."
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