Well, not your normal style of fishing. There are many elements of any given fishing plan I offer. Electric deep dropping is highly conditional and specialized. When we are far offshore in the blue water sometimes the surface bite isn't great. When the season is open, I bring my electric drop outfits and we explore the bottom fishing in 650' to 1200' of water. It's a whole different level logistics, physics and matching fishing to conditions. It's not the most exciting fishing, but it produces some of the most inspiring catches that are among the finest eating fish our area has to offer.
The challenge is being able to drop baits on the bottom in extreme depths in the gulf stream and hook something that may be a quarter mile away from you! These fish live in cold, dark water. They have never seen the sun. The pressure at their depth will crush nearly anything. The physics involved in hook at fish at this depth is pretty amazing, In this clip we land a non typical specie for the time of the year and it is an amazing catch and delicacy. These are the deepest of the snapper species that have an alien life at extreme depth. This is angling on the dark side of the moon. The right sea conditions have to be there to produce good results, but in season, this is sometimes a day saver!
Florida Keys Reel Adventures
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